August 30, 2025 at 9:30 am
Applications due August 4, 2025
The Ellensburg Rodeo Parade has become a popular “western tradition” in the community. On behalf of the Ellensburg Rodeo Board, the Top Hands and the entire Ellensburg community, we thank you for your entry and participation in our annual event.
General Information:
- Ellensburg Rodeo parade takes place in downtown Ellensburg, Washington
- Applications and supporting documents are due by August 4th!
- Late applications may be purchased for a $50 late fee. No applications will be accepted after August 10th.
- All applications must be reviewed by the Parade Committee and you will be notified of acceptance 10 days after parade application deadline with an information packet.
- The Parade Committee cannot promise any special arrangements.
- Applications will only be accepted to review if they are complete with all necessary documents and signatures.
- Information Packets will be mailed out 10 business days after application deadline
Available Applications:
Business Parade App
Float Parade App
High School Parade App
Horse Parade App
Novelty Parade App
Politician Parade App
Download: Parade Release and Hold Harmless
Download: Ellensburg Rodeo Parade Rules
Parade Schedule:
7:00 AM – Check in stand opens.
9:00 AM – All parade entrants must have checked in and be in line.
9:30 AM – Parades begins.