Rockin’ the Chutes

2025 Rockin the chutes info coming soon!

Purchase Tickets Here

Location: World Famous Behind The Chutes

Same Day: Thursday kicking off Labor Day Weekend


Where is the concert going to be this year?
The concert will no longer be in the Arena, instead it will be held in the Behind the Chutes beer garden.

Does my ticket also get me into the fair before the concert?

Yes, it does.

If I am under 21, can I go behind the chutes?

No, the concert is limited those 21 years of age and over.  ID’s will be checked to ensure all attendees are 21 years of age and over.

Can I purchase and consume beer behind the chutes?

Yes, you must have proper id, which will be checked at the door.

Will there be an ADA area for the concert?

Yes, please let us know when you purchase your tickets if you will need ADA accommodations and we can plan accordingly.

Will there be an area to purchase soft drinks and water?

Yes, there will be multiple areas to get non-alcoholic drinks. Vendors will also be open to provide other drink options as well as food.

Will there be seats in the “Behind The Chutes”?

No, standing room only. Very limited straw bale seating around the perimeter.

Will there be an area to take photos of my group going into the Chutes?

Yes! There will be a “Red Carpet “area located outside the Behind the Chutes beer garden where you will have the opportunity to take photos with all your friends and family that come with you.

If I have other questions, where can I get further answers?

You can call the Ellensburg Rodeo at 1-800-637-2444. There will also be a full volunteer team to assist you when you arrive at the concert.